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The Cyber Defense Review


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Thinking Like a State Cyber Threat Actor

November 15, 2019 — Information security and intelligence professionals have long known the value of thinking like their adversary. If the defender can put themselves into the mind of their adversary, they can predict behaviors, anticipate attacks, and make moves and counter-moves that frustrate their enemy at a level far beyond what a traditional reactive defense can MORE

The Untold Story of Edward Snowden’s Impact on the GDPR

November 15, 2019 — In June 2013, National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden released a trove of information on classified U.S. Government surveillance methods. U.S. Intelligence chiefs warned that the ripple effects of the leak would be devastating and extensive. Five years later, in June 2018, Joel Melstad, a spokesman for the U.S. National MORE

The Friction Points, Operational Goals, and Research Opportunities of Electronic Warfare and Cyber Convergence

November 15, 2019 — With Electronic Warfare joining the Cyber Branch in October 2018, numerous opportunities and challenges that affect warfighters are surfacing. To capture and consolidate some of these observations, the Electronic Warfare Cyber Convergence (EWC2) workshop, held in conjunction with the 2018 Cyberspace Electromagnetic Activities (CEMA) conference, MORE

Artificial Intelligence in Digital Warfare: Introducing the Concept of the Cyberteammate

November 15, 2019 — Technology changes our world at such a rapid pace that our natural, human intelligence has a hard time coping with its brutally disruptive evolution. The transformations of digital technologies have made deep and lasting impacts on our societies. Information, which is at the heart of the last century’s technological developments, has become such an MORE

The Post-GIG Era: From Network Security to Mission Assurance

November 15, 2019 — The shortcomings of the Global Information Grid (GIG) may be traced to a discon­nect between cyber policy and technology, and an illusion that cyber defense contributes somehow to mission assurance. Therefore, it is necessary to look past the GIG to a future of affordable access and mission assurance. Prescriptive cyber policies have impeded the MORE

Future Geospatial Disinformation Campaigns

November 15, 2019 — Social media is increasingly used as a source of data to provide situational awareness and decision support tools for world events including sporting events, democratic elections, and natural disasters. As this data is increasingly used in these scenarios, it also becomes vulnerable to manipulation. This manipulation can take several forms which MORE

Book Review: Dawn of the Code War

November 14, 2019 — With this final sentence in the Epilogue, John Carlin, former Assistant Attorney General for National Security, summarizes the central thrust of his book— telling the story of how “criminals, terrorists, and spies made themselves at home on a global network that was never designed with safety and security in mind” and detailing the ways in which MORE

Extension of the machine’s realm: a brief insight into Artificial Intelligence and Cyberspace

June 19, 2019 — “Study the past if you would define the future” ~Confucius     Somewhere during the Pleistocene Era, an Australopithecus picks up a humerus and discovers it can use it for a decisive advantage over its rivals in conquering a waterhole. It then proceeds on celebrating its triumph, raising its newfound weapon to thrust upwards into space where it transforms into a space station. This famous scene from the film “2001: A Space Odyssey” by Stanley Kubrick magisterially captures how the story of humanity is intimately linked to technical progress, and with warfare as its primary driver. MORE

Four Reasons eSports is a Strategic Opportunity for Service Academies

June 11, 2019 — In Martin Scorsese’s 1986 film, The Color of Money, pool hustler Fast Eddie Felson (Paul Newman) asks Vincent Lauria (Tom Cruise) if he can make money playing a video game called Stalker. Vincent smirks and replies, “I’ll tell you what I can do off Stalker. Years from now, I can go to West Point. It’s all coming down to video-game reflexes. Computerized tanks. Star Wars. In years, a heavy score on Stalker is a shoo-in at the Point.” Today, more than 3,000 student-athletes from over 130 schools across the nation participate at the collegiate level in organized video game competitions known as eSports. These institutions are at the tip of the spear in an exciting new environment that provides opportunities for learning, external collaboration, and research. MORE

The Challenge and Opportunities of Standing on Cloud – Finding our Warfighting Advantage

April 30, 2019 — The Navy is dealing with the challenges of a world where exponentially accelerating and converging technologies impact the way we operate at unprecedented speeds. We must quickly leverage the operational advantages emerging technologies bring to warfighting and be forward-leaning in disrupting their use by adversaries. Similarly to how cloud technologies and Smartphones have fundamentally changed the way we live by accessing and using information in revolutionary ways, victory in warfighting will go to those forces with similar information supremacy. Cloud technologies provide an opportunity to achieve that supremacy, enabling extraordinary benefits through scalable services which support Big Data analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and machine learning. Transition away from stove-piped capabilities and sources of data to a cloud environment where authoritative data can be exposed, discovered, and shared for improved situational awareness and decision making is the future. However, the move to the cloud does not come without risks and challenges. MORE

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