Effective Cyber Leadership: Avoiding The Tuna Fish Effect and Other Dangerous Assumptions
By Andy Cohen
| September 05, 2018
When I owned my advertising agency, I too got the opportunity to pursue a dream of directing. In this case, it was for an advertising commercial, and it taught me a leadership lesson I will never forget. We had been shooting for hours when my producer pulled me over and said we needed to take a half-hour break. “The crew needs it, and it’s Union rules,” he informed me. My assumption was that a break wasn’t necessary and that with the right inspiration, the crew could finish up shortly, saving us money. So, ignoring the advice of the producer, I pulled the entire crew together and gave them what I felt was a highly motivational speech about how great they were doing, how I believed they were up for the challenge, and how if we pulled our energies together, we could finish up shortly.
Effective Cyber Leadership: Avoiding The Tuna Fish Effect and Other Dangerous Assumptions