Breadth vs. Depth: Best Practices Teaching Cybersecurity in a Small Public University Sharing Models
By Professor Frank H. Katz
| September 05, 2018
In recent history, America witnessed cyber breaches at Snapchat, where employees had personal information stolen by way of a phishing scam; Premier Healthcare, which saw unencrypted data pertaining to more than 200,000 users stolen from a laptop; Verizon Enterprise Solutions, who had the information of 1.5 million customers stolen by hackers; and LinkedIn, who saw a 2012 data breach “come back to haunt them when 117 million e-mail and password combinations stolen by hackers four years ago popped up online [1].” These are just some of the many breaches experienced recently, which also included the hacking of a Presidential candidate by actors of a foreign nation-state, potentially an act of cyber warfare.
Breadth vs. Depth: Best Practices Teaching Cybersecurity in a Small Public University Sharing Models