Special Operations Forces Truths - Cyber Truths
By Major General Stephen G. Fogarty, Major Jamie O. Nasi
| August 01, 2018
The Special Operations Forces (SOF) Truths—humans are more important than hardware, quality is better than quantity, SOF cannot be mass produced,competent SOF cannot be created after emergencies occur, and most special operations require non-SOF assistance—have become tried-and-true guiding principles for the special operations community. [1] This article explains why and how the United States Army can repurpose SOF Truths to serve as guiding principles to recruit, resource, and train effective Cyber leaders, operators, organizations, and capabilities. This article provides the SOF Truths lineage and illustrates their relevance to the cyberspace domain so as to advocate for the incorporation of a set of Cyber Effects Truths for the Army’s contribution to the Joint Cyber Mission Force (CMF).
Special Operations Forces Truths - Cyber Truths