Multifactor Authentication – A New Chain of Custody Option for Military Logistics
By Tom Waters
| July 31, 2018
“An Army Marches On Its Stomach,” is a quote attributed to both Napoleon and Frederick the Great. [1] Both men certainly would attest to the veracity of the sentiment—without secure supply lines, no army can survive for very long. This reliance has grown beyond mere food and now encompasses a broad range of materiel from pencils to remotely piloted drones.
By their very nature, military supply chains are a high-value target for thieves, saboteurs, and counterfeiters. Fraudulent materials, particularly those switched out for high-grade defense aerospace technologies, represent a serious risk to military operations. When materials that can’t meet military standards fail in combat situations, it is the warfighter or the innocent bystander who pays the price.
Multifactor Authentication – A New Chain of Custody Option for Military Logistics